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Terms and conditions

Select your destination

1. Fully comprehensive insurance without excess (except for drivers aged 21 and 22 years *)

In case of accident or damage to the car you should always contact the provider immediately. You will have to fill in an accident or damage report form for the insurance, otherwise you may not be covered and your deposit will not be refunded.

Insurance will not cover:

  • When the driver is not authorised by the Company..
  • Objects transported inside the vehicle.
  • When the rental contract has expired.
  • When driving on unpaved roads.
  • Damage suffered by the vehicle as a consequence of the poor state of the road.
  • Accidents due to the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Carrying more passengers than permitted by law.
  • Incorrect refuelling.
  • Reckless driving, according to the Highway Code.
  • The loss or breakage (total or partial) of accessories, documents, keys, key rings, child seats, bonnets, roof racks, CD-radio, damage to the interior of the vehicle, vehicle stickers, emergency signalling triangles and reflective waistcoats will be at the expense of the lessee.

2. Specific conditions according to the age of the driver.

Mladý řidič 21-22 let

10,35 € / DEN

Řidičský průkaz 2 roky

- Franquicia cero No

- Fianza 300,00€

- Grupos de coches disponibles A, B, C, E, G, H, J

- Años de experiencia 1 año

23-24 años

- Recargo Ninguno

- Franquicia Cero

- Exceso Cero Sí

- Depósito 100,00€

- Grupos de coches disponibles A, B, C, E, G, H, J

- Años de experiencia 1 año

25 o +años

- Recargo Ninguno

- Franquicia Cero

- Exceso Cero Sí

- Fianza 100€ para coches pequeños y medianos 300€ para coches premium + grupos de coches multiservicio disponibles Todos

- Años de experiencia 1 año para A, B, C, E, G, H, J y 2 años para los demás

3. Security Deposit

Please note that at the time of collection of the vehicle a deposit will be requested which will be blocked on the credit card in the name of the driver at the time of rental. The amount of the deposit will be 100 € for groups from group A to group J (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) and 300 € for groups from group K onwards (K, E/L, K/L, M Q/L, T/L, S/L, I/L, N, H/L, M/L, N/L, N/P, P/L, J/L). Warning, the deposit will not be refunded in the event of one or more of the cases mentioned in point 1.

4. Cancellation Policy

At we will not charge you if your plans change. If you have reserved a vehicle and you cancel it 24 hours before rentalstart, your reservation will be cancelled free of charge.

5. Road assistance service

24 hour road assistance service in case of breakdown. We have offices in the most important cities of Tenerife, always near you when you need it most.

6. Fuel policy

We deliver vehicles with a certain level of petrol, which should be the same when the car is returned.

6. Other Islands

It is not permited to take the car off of Tenerife

7. Deliveries out of hour:

Free Delivery Service at Reina Sofia South Airport and Los Rodeos North Airport from 09:00 to 19:30.

Nocturnal deliveries from 19:30 to 08:50 come with an additional supplement which is already included in the price of the website when this time is indicated.

8. Return in a different place than the delivery ( One Way)

A supplement of 34,50€ will be applied to the total rent (this supplement is included in the price of the website if you have indicated the destinations).

10. Anticipated return of the vehicle

No refund for unused days

11. Política de aeropuertos

Para reservas en aeropuertos, el número de vuelo es obligatorio.- Para reservas en aeropuertos sin número de vuelo correspondiente al vuelo y fecha/hora de entrega, o números de vuelo falsos, retendremos el vehículo durante 1 hora a partir de la hora de entrega reservada.- Para reservas en aeropuertos con número de vuelo válido, retendremos el vehículo como de costumbre durante un máximo de 1 hora a partir de la hora reservada.- Para reservas realizadas en una de nuestras oficinas locales, retendremos el vehículo durante 1 hora a partir de la hora reservada.- En lugar del número de vuelo, también aceptamos el número de teléfono móvil del cliente para contactar con él.

12. Impuestos

Los impuestos están incluidos en los precios de alquiler y extras.

13. Modalidades de pago

- La tarjeta de crédito debe tener saldo suficiente para bloquear la fianza (100,00€ o 300,00€ según el vehículo).

- Dependiendo del tipo de vehículo y del lugar de alquiler, puede ser necesaria una segunda tarjeta de crédito como garantía adicional.

- El depósito se bloqueará en la tarjeta de crédito del conductor durante el periodo de alquiler.

- TODOS los extras deben pagarse in situ en efectivo, con tarjeta de crédito o débito.

- Tarjetas de crédito aceptadas: VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS.

14. Servicio nocturno o fuera de horario

Fuera del horario de apertura del aeropuerto o de las oficinas locales - sólo bajo petición. (30,00€ + impuestos = 34,50€)

El servicio se cobra entre las 20.00 hrs. + 08.59 hrs.

15. Cancelaciones

Todas las reservas pueden cancelarse hasta 24 horas antes de la recogida sin coste adicional. Las cancelaciones dentro de las 24 horas tendrán una penalización de un día de alquiler, los no shows (no pasar a recoger el vehículo teniendo la reserva hecha) no tendrán reembolso.

16. Devolución en un lugar diferente a la entrega

Se le aplicará un suplemento de 34,50€ en el total del alquiler (este suplemento está incluido en el precio de la web si ha indicado los destinos).

17. Cargo por limpieza

Si el vehículo requiere una limpieza especial (por ejemplo, por pelos de animales) en el momento de su devolución se aplicará una penalización de 50 €.


Na základě toho, co je ustaveno v umění. 6 a následující z RGPD UE 679/2016, CANARIAS.COM (VALLECID, S.L.) - se nachází v Helsinki Street, Esq C / Moskva. Oasis Dakota. Místní 1 - informuje vás, že s vašimi údaji bude zacházeno spravedlivým a zákonným způsobem, aby bylo možné splnit požadované služby a během trvání podepsané smlouvy.

Svobodně a dobrovolně souhlasíte s popsanou léčbou, stejně jako s přenosem vašich údajů osobám zodpovědným za zpracování, které musí splňovat sledovaný účel.

Svůj souhlas můžete kdykoli odvolat, podléhat požadavkům RGPD a podat žádost AEPD a uplatnit vaše práva na přístup, opravu, opozici, vymazání (zrušení a právo na zapomenutí), omezení léčby a přenositelnost vašich dat směřujících vaši komunikaci této společnosti prostřednictvím následujícího e-mailu:
Údaje delegáta pro ochranu údajů jsou: JUAN ANTONIO MORELL SÁNCHEZ. Tel .: 922256515. E-mail:


These General Terms and Conditions seek to govern the information and contractual relationship between SPAIN PROJECT BIENE MAYA S.L. (hereinafter, either the "Rental company" or “NIZA CARS”) and you (hereinafter, the “Customer” or “Renter”). These General Terms and Conditions will apply to rental services booked in person at the offices of NIZA CARS, online via the website, or via our telephone customer services department, owned by NIZA CARS with Spanish Tax Code (CIF) B88023213 and registered address at AVDA. COMANDANTE GARCIA MORATO, 40-42. MALAGA (SPAIN).

The act of booking a vehicle constitutes unreserved acceptance of all these General Terms and Conditions by the Customer.

NIZA CARS reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice by publishing said amendments on its website so that Customers can access them before entering into a rental contract.

1. Documentation for the rental

In order to collect the vehicle, an original driver’s licence valid for the rental period and DNI, ID or European citizen passport, and both documents for citizens of countries outside of the European Union provided they have a valid visa or residence permit, must be presented.

The Customer must be in possession of the corresponding approved driver’s licence valid in the country where the vehicle of NIZA CARS will be delivered. The Customer is directly liable for the validity and approval of said driver’s licence and will hold NIZA CARS exempt in this regard.

Driver’s licences must be accompanied by an official translation or, otherwise, an international driver’s licence whenever required by Spanish legislation or whenever the licence is not written in the Roman alphabet. Under no circumstances will translations or an international driver’s licence be accepted when not accompanied by the original document.

The Customer will be required to comply with current legislation governing the need to accompany their driver’s licence with an international driver’s licence for driving on public roads, and will be liable for any possible penalties in this regard issued by public entities and/or authorities.

The booking document must be shown when collecting the vehicle.

For airport bookings, the flight number must be indicated in order to ensure proper operation of the transport or shuttle service between the airport and the vehicle collection/delivery office.

In any case, the company reserves the right of admission, being able to terminate the reservation contract with immediate effect, simply returning the amount paid for the reservation (only for bookings made through our website), without compensation to the client, in cases of doubtful financial solvency, violent behavior, history of damage to vehicles in previous rentals or any other circumstance that could cause a breach by the Customer of these conditions.

2. Minimum and maximum age

Drivers must be at least 21 years of age and have held a driver’s licence for at least one year. Drivers must be under 79 years of age.

Exclusively for groups B, C, D and E, rents will be allowed for drivers between 18 and 20 years old (held driver's licence not required), with a daily cost of 12 euros, a minimum of 36 euros and a maximum of 180 euros.

Drivers between the ages of 21 and 25 or with a driver's license between 1 and 3 years old will pay an extra 7 euros per day with a minimum of 21 euros, and a maximum of 91 euros per rental.For special requests, For groups E1, F4, G, G3 and H1 drivers must be at least 21 years old and have held a driver's licence for at least two year. For grupos F2, F3, K, K1, L2 and L3 drivers must be at least 23 years old and have held a driver's licence for at least two years.

Alquileres de categorías especiales. En los grupo E1, F4, G, G3 y H1 se solicitara una antiguedad de al menos dos años de carnet. Para los grupos F2, F3, K, K1, L2 y L3 la edad minima del conductor sera de 23 años con una antiguedad de 2 años de carnet.

For groups G2, Drivers must be at least 25 years old, and have held a driver's licence for at least 5 years.

Minimum age and held driving licence requested
CATEGORIES Minimum age Held a driver's licence for
B, C ,D Y E 18 years Not required
E1, E2, F1, F4, G, H, G3 Y H1 21 years Minimum 2 years
F2, F3, K, K1, L2 Y L3 23 years Minimum 2 years
G2 25 years Minimum 5 years
Additional cost for minimum age.
From 18 to 20 years old 12 € x day, Mínimum 36 €, Máximum 180 €
From 21 to 25 years old 7 € x day, Mínimum 21 €, Máximum 91 €
Additional cost for held driving licence
From 1 to 3 years, 7 € x day, Mínimum 21 €, Maximum 91 €

3. Reserved vehicle

The rental will not necessarily be for a specific vehicle (brand, model, colour, features, etc.) but rather for a vehicle from a group of vehicles with similar technical and comfort characteristics, which will be specified when entering into the rental contract, with the exception of “guaranteed model” vehicles that, in the event of no availability, will be replaced with a model of the same or better characteristics.

The reserved vehicle will be available for a maximum of 3 hours according to reservation. After that time, availability is not confirmed.

4. Rental term

Rentals are calculated for periods of 24 hours, counted from the exact time when the Customer has rented the vehicle until the vehicle is received by NIZA CARS.

The Customer is given a 1 hour grace period for returning the vehicle and a 2 hour grace period when contracting Star Insurance. Return of the vehicle more than 60 minutes after expiry of the agreed rental period will incur a fee of 1 additional day at the current rate.

The term of the contract will be specified within the text thereof, including the location, time and date of collection and the location, time and date of return.

If the Customer decides to end the rental prior to the date indicated in the rental Contract, the Customer will not be entitled to a refund of the amount corresponding to the days on which neither the vehicle nor the contracted extras were enjoyed.

The maximum rental period will be 30 days, unless expressly authorised by NIZA CARS, which reserves the right to extend this period under special terms and conditions.

Return of the vehicle on a date and at a time later than those agreed in the Contract will entitle NIZA CARS to charge the Customer for the rental amount corresponding to the additional days at the rate in effect at said time due to late return.

NIZA CARS reserves the right to bring any legal action deemed necessary in the event that the vehicle disappears or is not returned on the day and at the time agreed in the rental contract.

5. Contract extension

The Customer is required to return the vehicle on the date and at the time agreed in the previous clause. Should the Customer wish to extend the rental period, they must contact the office of NIZA CARS to sign an extension when expressly authorised by NIZA CARS. No contract can be extended by telephone or any other means of electronic communication. If no vehicles are available or for any other reason, the Customer will be required to return the vehicle on the date, at the time and at the branch office agreed. Otherwise, NIZA CARS reserves the right to bring any legal action deemed necessary.

Unilateral extension of the Contract term by the Customer will also be considered as unauthorised use of the vehicle for the purposes of customer liability regarding any damage incurred by the vehicle.In such cases, in addition to the rental amount corresponding to the additional days for delay in return, NIZA CARS will be entitled to charge the customer the cost of possible legal actions for the recovery of the vehicle.

Under no circumstances will the amount paid as a deposit be used for a contract extension. Hence, if an extension is applied to the Contract, the Customer will be required to make an additional payment for said extension resulting from application of the current rate at the time.

Depending on the initial terms and conditions of the Contract, it may be necessary to draw up a new rental contract when requesting an extension, in which case the original contract will be considered as expired. Said new contract will require payment for the rental according to the rates in effect at such time, as well as payment of a new deposit (see Section 7 - “Payment methods and terms” of this document).

6. Mileage

The mileage will be specified by the collection office and based on the type of insurance contracted.

a. Mileage in Malaga

The mileage for vehicles collected at the Malaga office will be unlimited, except for groups G2, G5 and G6, to which will be applied the provisions of Section 6.c of these Terms and Conditions.

b. Mileage in Barcelona

The mileage for vehicles collected at the Barcelona office is limited according to the rental period.

From 1 to 6 days

300 kilometres per day of rental

From 7 to 20 days

150 kilometres per day of rental

From 21 to 30 days

100 kilometres per day of rental

The cost per additional kilometre will be 0.25 €/km + VAT.

When contracting the Star Insurance, the mileage limits will be increased to a maximum of 2,000 kilometres for bookings of up to 13 days and 3,000 kilometres for bookings of up to 30 days, except for groups G2, G5 and G6 (see Section 6.c of these Terms and Conditions). Furthermore, the cost per additional kilometre will be 0.25 €/km.

c. Mileage for groups G2, G5 and G6

Groups G2, G5 and G6 will have a limit of 2,000 kilometres per rental, with each additional kilometre charged at 1 €/km.

7. Payment methods and terms

Payment is accepted by credit card (VISA and MasterCard) and debit card.

Payment is not accepted by Diners Club, American Express, Maestro, VPAY, any kind of prepaid card or cheque.

The card must be in the name of the person appearing as the main driver in the rental contract. Otherwise, Star Insurance must be contracted with the vehicle.

To use a debit card to pay for the rental, Star Insurance must be contracted with the vehicle. Under no circumstances can a deposit be paid in cash.

8. Prepay or prepaid bookings

It will not be possible to cancel prepaid bookings and the following cancellation costs will apply:

  • For cancellations made 48 hours or more prior to the scheduled collection of the vehicle, the first 3 days of the rental will be charged.
  • For cancellations made between 24 and 48 hours prior to the scheduled collection of the vehicle, the penalty will be 50% of the rental amount, with a minimum amount equal to 3 days rental.
  • For cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled collection of the vehicle, no refund will be made.

Changes to prepay or prepaid bookings will always be subject to the supervision and authorisation of the office, reserving the right to not make any changes in the event of no availability or cases in which operation by the office would be affected.

As regards changes to dates, NIZA CARS reserves the right to increase the price based on current rates. If the price of the current rate on the new dates is lower than the price of the original booking, the original price will be maintained.

In the event that the rental contract ends prior to the agreed date, the full amount thereof will be charged.

9. Deposit

The deposit is a block, pre-authorisation or charge made to the card by way of a guarantee for fuel, loss of keys, contract extension or damage to the vehicle, as the case may be.

The deposit amount will be unblocked between 7 and 15 days following return of the vehicle. For debit cards, the deposit will be returned immediately following correct return of the vehicle but may take up to 15 days to appear in the corresponding account.

a. Deposit for bookings with excess

Any booking not accompanied by additional insurance will require a deposit equal to the vehicle excess for damages plus 100 euros by way of a deposit for fuel and possible loss of keys.

Category or groups












b. Deposit for bookings with Zero Excess

The compulsory deposit for bookings made with the Zero Excess or CDW insurance is reflected in the amounts below, plus 100 euros by way of a deposit for fuel and possible loss of keys.

Category or group










c. Deposit for bookings with Star Insurance

The deposit for bookings with Star Insurance will be 200 euros for collections in Malaga and Barcelona, except for categories G2, G5 and G6, for which the amount is increased to 700 euros.

Furthermore, 100 euros will be blocked for fuel and possible loss of keys.

In addition, the company reserves the right to require a security deposit of up to 500 euros to cover possible incidents during the rental.

10. Insurance

All vehicles include the Mandatory Civil Liability insurance by default in accordance with European Union regulations 2018/0168. The insurance will only be valid in those countries for which driving authorisation has been provided and for the driver or drivers appearing in the rental contract as authorised drivers.

This coverage is guaranteed and assumed by the insurer with which NIZA CARS has agreed the corresponding insurance policy, and is subject to the general and particular terms and conditions thereof, as well as the law. By signing the rental contract, the Customer is added to said policy as an insured party.

Furthermore, the insurance policy covers damage to the vehicle caused as a result of a collision (except excess) or theft (except excess) provided that the following conditions are met:

  • For collisions, the Customer sends NIZA CARS complete information about the other party involved and possible witnesses within 24 hours of the incident by completing an accident report (Amicable Accident Declaration – DAA) containing the registration details, name and address of the other party, the circumstances of the collision, a sketch of the accident, the name of the insurer and, if possible, the insurance policy number. All this information must be signed by the two drivers involved in the accident; or, if this cannot be done, the Customer sends NIZA CARS the “Accident Report” that will be provided by NIZA CARS.
  • The insurance company does not reject the accident as a result of the vehicle not being driven in the physical and mental conditions required by the Highway Code.
  • The collision, theft, fire or act of vandalism did not occur during unauthorised use of the vehicle, as defined in Clause 16 of these Terms and Conditions.
  • That the Customer has notified NIZA CARS of the collision or theft caused to the vehicle within a period of 24 hours following said collision or theft by providing the pertinent documentation (accident report, official report to the authorities, etc.).

The insurance for damages with excess does not include the following under any circumstances:

  • Damage to tyres, rims, vehicle interiors, external and internal rear-view mirrors, headlights, windows and chassis.
  • Excess corresponding to damage to vehicle bodywork.
  • Vehicle theft.
  • Damage to the clutch, engine, crankcase, catalytic converter and/or radiator.
  • Days that the vehicle cannot be used until its repair.
  • Towing costs.
  • Battery recharging.
  • Refuelling errors.
  • Missing: Wheel repair kit, triangles, vests, antennas, child seats or any other external element or extra from the vehicle.
  • Damage caused to the vehicle through unauthorised use, in accordance with Section 16 of these Terms and Conditions.

The following will not be covered by any of the insurance under any circumstances:

  • Damage caused to the vehicle or third parties through negligence.
  • Loss of child restraint systems, safety triangles, reflective vests, documentation, boot loading shelf, jack or any external element or accessory from the vehicle.
  • Payment of fines.
  • Driving under the effects of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Transporting illegal substances.
  • Theft of the vehicle with keys in the ignition.
  • Loss, damage or theft of keys.
  • Burns or breakages to seats.
  • Damage caused to the engine through negligence.
  • Damage caused by failing to comply with traffic regulations.
  • Damage caused by driving on unsuitable roads, in accordance with Section 16 of these Terms and Conditions.
  • Fuel error.
  • Damage caused to the clutch.
  • Damage caused to the car chassis.
  • Damage caused by hailstones or adverse weather conditions.

The circumstances defined as unauthorised use in Section 16 of these Terms and Conditions will also be excluded from the insurance coverage.

The amounts corresponding to the various types of damage are included in Appendix I.

Those Customers not wishing to contract said insurance are required to leave a deposit of between 1,200 euros and 3,000 euros depending on the vehicle group reserved, which will be provided under the provisions of Section 9 of these Terms and Conditions.

a. Zero Excess or excess-free insurance

The Customer has the option to reduce the liability or excess for damage caused to the vehicle bodywork to zero euros.

The amount of the deposit will also be reduced (see Section 9.b of these Terms and Conditions).

The insurance amounts will be as follows:


Amount per day

B – C – D – F1


E – E1 – E2 – F4 – G – H – L1 – L2 – I2


F2 – F3 – G3 – H1 – K


K1 - L3 – I - G2


G5 – G6


b. Wheels and Windows Insurance including Roadside Assistance

The customer has the option to reduce their liability for damage caused to wheels and windows, as well as include the free roadside assistance service.

The insurance amounts will be as follows:


Amount per day

B – C – D – F1


E – E1 – E2 – F4 – G – H – L1 – L2 – I2


F2 – F3 – G3 – H1 – K


K1 - L3 – I - G2


G5 – G6


c. Star or All-inclusive insurance

The Customer has the option to reduce the liability or excess for damage caused to the vehicle by contracting the so-called “Star Insurance” or “All-inclusive Insurance”. The benefits of said insurance are:

  • Reduced security deposit (see Section 9.c of these Terms and Conditions).
  • Coverage for wheels and windows.
  • Coverage for vehicle bodywork.
  • Coverage for vehicle theft.
  • Coverage for vehicle theft.
  • Inclusion of the fine management fee.
  • 2 hour grace period when returning the vehicle.
  • One additional driver.

The insurance amounts will be as follows:


Amount per day

B – C – D – F1


E – E1 – E2 – F4 – G – H – L1 – L2 – I2


F2 – F3 – G3


H1 – K – K1 – L3 – I – G2


G5 – G6


11. Additional fees

Our rates do not include additional insurance coverages or extra fees. Besides the payments that the Customer is required to make, the following additional fees will be applicable as the case may be:

Fee description

Price per day

Minimum price per contract

Maximum price per contract

Young driver, under 25 years of age or holding a driver’s licence for less than 3 years




Additional driver








Roadside assistance




Driving in Portugal

The Customer must communicate this intention, otherwise it will be excluded from any insurance coverage.




Driving in Andorra and France

The Customer must communicate this intention, otherwise it will be excluded from any insurance coverage. This option is only available in our office at Barcelona airport.




Baby seat or group 0+ (0-13kg)




Child seat or group 0/1 (9-18kg)




Booster, alzador o grupo 2/3 (15-36kg)




Out of hours collection/return

(from 22:00 to 07:00)




All prices include VAT. The fees listed above must be paid when making the reservation or, otherwise, when collecting the vehicle if the services were not requested or expressed when making the reservation.

Fee description

Maximum price per incident

Loss, breakage or delivery of keys elsewhere besides the agreed location


Loss of documentation and traffic management


Accident report management, provided the provisions of Clause 15 are not met


Fine management


Refuelling service fee


Special cleaning


Out of hours collection/return


Fee for returning a vehicle to a different branch from where it was collected (available between Barcelona and/or Malaga)


All prices include VAT. These fees will be deducted from the deposit provided, in accordance with Section 9 of these Terms and Conditions.

a. Extra mileage fee

The fee per additional kilometre will be 0.25 €/km + VAT. For vehicles in groups G2, G5 and G6, the fee per additional kilometre will be 1 €/km.

b. Out of hours fee

All collections and returns made outside of opening hours (07:00 to 22:00) will be subject to an additional fee of 40 euros per service.

c. Towing service fee

The towing service is subject to an additional charge based on the distance to the office:

  • 0-75 kilometres: € 90
  • 76-150 kilometres: € 180
  • 151-250 kilometres: € 360
  • 251 kilometres or more: € 400

This fee will not be applicable when contracting the Star Insurance.

Return or abandonment of the vehicle somewhere other than the location agreed in the Contract, entitles NIZA CARS to charge the Customer an amount of 0.20 euros for each kilometre of distance from the location where the vehicle should have been delivered, without prejudice to any costs that may be incurred as a result of needing to use a towing service.

d. Fines, tolls, penalties and legal costs

The Customer will be liable for any fines, tolls, penalties and legal costs incurred through traffic offences, parking offences, breaches of the law or other regulations and by-laws, including congestion charges or road traffic limitation charges where applicable, applied to the vehicle for acts taking place during the rental period and the Customer will be identified as the individual responsible for the same.

If the vehicle receives a fine during the rental period, an administrative charge of 40 euros (plus VAT) will be applied for administrative management, except for those Customers who contract the Star Insurance.

e. Special or extraordinary cleaning fee

If the vehicle requires special, extraordinary or intensive cleaning upon its return due to the condition in which it is returned, NIZA CARS may charge up to a maximum of 120 euros for special cleaning services. A fee of 30 euros will be charged per section of the vehicle requiring this service. The vehicle sections in this regard are: front (dashboard and/or front seats); middle (back seats) and rear (boot and/or rear shelf). Up to four sections will be applicable to 8- or 9-seater vehicles and vans, with the middle section subdivided into two.

This fee will be applicable under the following circumstances, among others: vomit, blood, mud, food or drink stains, tobacco odour and dirt caused by animals.

The Customer will be notified of this fee following examination of the vehicle upon its return.

f. Damage repair fee

Under the following circumstances, the Customer will be liable for any repair costs due to damage caused to the vehicle in the event of an accident:

  • The vehicle was not used according to the terms and conditions agreed or the Highway Code in place at the time of the rental.
  • The accident report (either the ‘Amicable Accident Declaration’ - DAA or ‘Accident Report’) was not completed and sent to NIZA CARS within 24 hours of the accident, or said report does not present a true and accurate account of events.
  • The damage stems from an accident that occurred because the Customer did not correctly assess the height of the vehicle or the damage stems from use of a road unsuitable for driving on (i.e. not a public road).
  • The corresponding extra insurance was not contracted (see Section 10 of these Terms and Conditions).

The amount of the fee charged to the Customer for damage caused to the vehicle in the event of an accident will be calculated according to the appraisal made by the external expert service used by NIZA CARS. When such an appraisal cannot be made, the amount resulting from an initial valuation by qualified personnel from NIZA CARS based on prices published in Appendix I to these Terms and Conditions will be charged, the existence and amounts of which the Customer declares knowledge and accepts. Furthermore, NIZA CARS reserves the right to claim payment for hidden damages or defects that may be discovered subsequently or appear when repairing the vehicle.

At any event, the Customer will be liable for all costs stemming from the loss or damage of tools, keys, accessories, equipment, vehicle interiors, vehicle chassis, vehicle roof and problems stemming from refuelling errors.

In the event that any technical modifications are made or any characteristics of the vehicle are altered, including the interior and/or exterior appearance of the vehicle, the Customer will be liable for the costs incurred in returning the vehicle to its original condition and an amount in compensation for the days that the vehicle is unavailable while being returned to its original condition.

NIZA CARS also reserves the right to charge compensation to the Customer for lost profits owing to unavailability of the vehicle due to the damage incurred or return of the vehicle to its original condition. Said compensation will be calculated on the number of days needed for repair of the vehicle and/or return of the vehicle to its original condition, as defined by the external expert service used by NIZA CARS or, after completing the repair, counting one day per effective day of unavailability and using the daily rental rate contracted by the Customer multiplied by the number of days the vehicle was unavailable to quantify the amount of compensation.

At any event, the maximum liability for the Customer will be the market value of the vehicle based on the maximum price established in the Ganvam guide valid at the time of the accident.

The costs incurred as a result of vehicle repairs and/or return of the vehicle to its original condition will be deducted from the deposit. If the cost of repair is higher than the deposit, an additional charge will be made to the Customer’s card or a letter will be sent to the Customer claiming payment of an amount calculated in accordance with the above.

12. Vehicle condition and return

The Customer receives under rental the vehicle described in the rental Contract, in perfect working order, with all its documents, tyres, tools and accessories, unless stated otherwise in the Contract, and undertakes to maintain the vehicle in the same condition and drive the vehicle according to the Highway Code and the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.

The Customer will return the rented vehicle in the same condition in which it was provided, together with all its documents, tyres, tools and accessories, in the location, on the date and at the time agreed in the rental Contract.

13. Fuel policies

The fuel prices will be subject at all times to the official price fluctuation for oil published when entering into the rental contract.

Measurement of the fuel tank will take place using a system of eighths (1/8) until such time as the precise refuelling amount is known, which will be charged in litres.

Whenever the Customer does not return the vehicle according to the refuelling policy, an additional fee of 30 euros will be charged for the refuelling service. A margin of 2 litres will be permitted.

a. Full to full

The vehicle is delivered with a full fuel tank and must be returned with the same fuel level. If the vehicle is not delivered full, the Customer will be required to return the vehicle with the same level of fuel (calculated in eighths of a tank).

NIZA CARS will block, pre-authorise or charge an amount for fuel on the card used by the Customer for payment when delivering the vehicle. This amount will depend on the group or model of vehicle received, the market price for fuel and the type of fuel recommended by the manufacturer.

If the Customer does not return the vehicle with the same fuel level as when it was received, the fuel charge will be applied as well as an additional charge of 30 euros for the refuelling service.

b. Full to empty

The Customer must pay the refuelling service fee of 30 euros as well as the tank of fuel based on the market price for fuel and the type of fuel recommended by the manufacturer.

The fuel prices will be subject at all times to the official price fluctuation for oil published when entering into the rental contract.

14. Payment obligations

The Customer undertakes to pay NIZA CARS:

  • The fees for rental of the vehicle, delivery and return, insurance coverage and certain taxes on the current rate applied by NIZA CARS (hereinafter, the “General Rate”) that was previously communicated to the Customer. Application of the initially agreed rate is contingent upon return of the vehicle taking place in the location, on the date and at the time agreed. The rates may vary based on the season and the offices. Hence, the Customer will be responsible for checking the applicable rate before entering into a vehicle rental contract.
  • When not contracting the Star Insurance, the Customer will pay the deposit in accordance with Section 9.a of these Terms and Conditions.
  • The additional fees corresponding to Section 11 of these Terms and Conditions.
  • The price charged for fuel under the Fuel Policy defined in Section 13 of these Terms and Conditions.
  • The damage caused to the vehicle according to the coverage contracted or, in the event of unauthorised use, see Section 16 of these Terms and Conditions.

15. Customer obligations for damage or accident

In the event of an accident, the Customer undertakes to:

  • Obtain and send to NIZA CARS within 24 hours of the incident complete information about the other party involved and possible witnesses by completing an accident report (Amicable Accident Declaration - DAA) containing the registration details, name and address of the other party, the circumstances of the collision, a sketch of the accident, the name of the insurer and, if possible, the insurance policy number. All this information must be signed by the two drivers involved in the accident; or, if this cannot be done, the “Accident Report” that will be provided by NIZA CARS.
  • Immediately notify the authorities if culpability of the other party should be investigated or if people were hurt.
  • Not abandon the rental vehicle without taking suitable measures to protect it.

In the event of an act of vandalism, fire, theft or disappearance of the vehicle, the Customer undertakes to immediately notify NIZA CARS of the incident and report said incident to the pertinent authorities, providing NIZA CARS with a copy of the report as soon as possible.

16. Unauthorised use

The Customer will be required to use the vehicle with due care, in accordance with the characteristics thereof, respecting the Highway Code in force and preventing any situation that could cause damage to the vehicle or third parties.

The vehicles are not authorised to leave the Iberian Peninsula unless previously communicated to NIZA CARS and express authorisation is received from NIZA CARS accompanied by the corresponding payment for use of the vehicle outside Spain (see Section 11 “Additional fees” of these Terms and Conditions).

Similarly, the Customer must not allow anyone besides those authorised under this contract to drive the vehicle. The Customer is directly liable for any damage caused to the vehicle or third parties under such circumstances.

The Customer will be fully liable for any damage caused to the interior and exterior of the vehicle through unauthorised use thereof, in which case the Customer will be required to pay all costs incurred in accordance with Section 11.f of these Terms and Conditions.

Consequently, any use of the vehicle in breach of a rule or reasonable and diligent use of the vehicle, as well as, particularly, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, will be considered as unauthorised use.

Unauthorised use includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Pushing or towing any other vehicle.
  • Driving in places that are not suitable for public access, such as beaches, race tracks, forest tracks, estate roads, etc.
  • Driving on roads that are not tarmacked or paved, which may cause damage to the vehicle.
  • Driving the vehicle in restricted areas, including, more specifically, airport runways and others carriageways associated with aeronautic and/or military use.
  • Negligence or omission with regard to the illumination of indicator lights or warning signs on the rental vehicle dashboard.
  • Transportation of goods or animals, especially dangerous, inflammable and/or substances that may harm the vehicle or its passengers.
  • Transportation of people or goods that directly or indirectly imply payment to the Customer.
  • Subleasing the vehicle.
  • Use of the vehicle in any other activity that breaks the law.
  • Transportation of a number of people or amount of luggage exceeding the vehicle's authorised load weight.
  • Any type of manipulation of or interference with the milometer. Any malfunction thereof must be immediately communicated to NIZA CARS.
  • Transportation of luggage or any other element on the roof of the vehicle, even when using a suitable device to do so.
  • Driving the vehicle when tired or with reduced physical faculties, either due to illness, ingestion or being under the influence of alcohol, medication or drugs.
  • Reckless driving or driving contrary to the Highway Code.
  • Using the vehicle to teach another person to drive under any circumstances and/or teaching any special skills at the steering wheel.
  • Allowing a person who is not authorised by the rental agreement as a driver and/or additional driver(s) to drive the rental vehicle.
  • Driving the vehicle outside of the Iberian Peninsula, unless previously notified to NIZA CARS and with written authorisation from NIZA CARS.
  • Using the vehicle once the rental period has expired.
  • Participating in competitions or similar events with the vehicle.

17. Joint and several liability

All Customers and/or authorised additional drivers will be jointly liable for all obligations of the Customer under this Contract and the laws applicable thereto.

18. Theft and loss of personal belongings

NIZA CARS accepts no liability for stolen, forgotten or lost belongings inside the vehicle.

19. Mandatory approved child restraint device

If using the vehicle to transport children who need to use a restraint device, the Customer must notify this to NIZA CARS so the corresponding mandatory approved restraint device based on the weight and size of the child or person needing to use it can be provided following payment of the corresponding rental fee.

The Customer may also use their own restraint device provided that the device is not permanently anchored to the vehicle.

The Customer will always be responsible for installation of the device.

20. Cancellation policy

NIZA CARS reserves the right to cancel delivery of the vehicle in the event of doubts surrounding the financial capacity of the Customer or a history of non-payment or incidents with NIZA CARS or the public authorities.


21. Personal data processing policy

For the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Spanish Constitutional Law 3/2018, as well as the regulations governing services of the information society and e-commerce, we hereby inform you that your personal data will be processed by SPAIN PROJECT BIENE MAYA S.L. (hereinafter, “NIZA CARS”) with registered address at Avenida Comandante García Morato Nº 40, Malaga, for the purpose of managing the contracted vehicle rental services and, provided you give consent, keeping you informed about all those offers, products and promotions that may be of interest to you, either by e-mail or any other equivalent means of communication, as well as sharing your data with companies belonging to the Moventia Group so they may keep you informed about all those offers, products and promotions that may be of interest to you.

The processing of your personal data is legally grounded on performance of the vehicle rental contract. The sending of commercial communications by email or equivalent means, as well as the sharing of your data with companies belonging to the Moventia Group, is legally grounded on the express consent granted by you. Said consent may be withdrawn at any time by sending a written request to Avenida Comandante García Morato Nº 40, Malaga or an email to

Your personal data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship exists or until such time as you withdraw your consent for the sending of commercial communications, as well as for as long as necessary to meet any applicable legal obligations in each case.

If you provide your consent, your personal data will be shared with the companies belonging to the Moventia Group for the afore-mentioned purposes. They may also be shared with third parties for compliance with legal obligations.

Finally, we inform you that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, limitation and portability by sending a written request to the Commercial Department at You may also contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency or other competent control agency.

22. Customer services

For any additional information or to make a suggestion, claim or complaint, you may contact NIZA CARS, Customer Services Department, Avenida Comandante García Morato Nº 40-42, Tel. (+34) 952 236 184 / (+34) 952 236 179 or by email at

23. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions of Business are subject to the provisions of Spanish Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, approving the Consolidated Text of the Spanish General Law on the Defence of Consumers and Users, and other complementary laws, amended by Spanish Law 3/2014, of 27 March; Spanish Law 44/2006, of 29 December, on improvements in the protection of consumers and users; the regional regulations in force in the place of provision of service, and any other regulations that replace, complement or amend the above regarding all applicable issues.

These general terms and conditions will not apply to special or corporate tariffs as the latter will be subject to previously agreed special terms and conditions.

Any disputes will be resolved by the competent tribunals under the Spanish Civil Procedure Act.

24. Translation

The full text of these Terms and Conditions, as well as the Appendices hereto or the contracts or documents stemming herefrom, were originally drafted in the Spanish language. Said Spanish language version is considered as the official version and will take precedence regarding any interpretation required in the event of a discrepancy with other versions.

For destinations other than Tenerife, Malaga and Barcelona, we act as mere intermediaries. Multiple car hire companies will appear with their corresponding terms and conditions.corresponding terms and conditions, so that the "Terms and Conditions" section will appear on the car will appear in the file of the car selected by the user. In other words, you will be able to see the terms and conditions once you have selected the car you are interested in.

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