Affiliate program
Commission without effort
We are on of the best rental car companys in Tenerife , its not just us who says it but 9 out of 10 of our clients!
Why should I become a member of Canarias.Com?

We offer our clients the best conditions and rental insurance cover, by providing totally free of charge, fully comprehensive insurance with no excess for the majority of the vehicles in our fleet.
Besides this, in these last 25 years we have become leaders in the rental car market on the Island of Tenerife, we are one of the few companys who can …. A fleet of virtually brand new cars with a wide variety of models.
How it works
For every client which is redirected from your web, you will receive a commission, if the car rental booking is for Tenerife.
Should the user complete one or various bookings on our page during a period of 30 days, we will accept that the commission is yours.

The system will automatically save a small amount of information on the clients computer ( a cookie) for the conversion, that will last for 30 days from the date of the first visit.
To enable your customers to be redirected to our page, it is sufficent to display a banner on your page site. You may choose the design which most suits your page or blog. You may also choose between a XML connection or positioning our search engine on your web page
White Label or XML Connection
White brand
Insert our non brand in an Iframe on your web page and begin to earn money with our reservations. The White Label contains our reservation engine without any identification logo naming our company. This way clients can make bookings as though they are reserving directly on your page. The White Label can be modified to show your companys colour scheme so as not to ruin your web page design.
XML Connection
The XML intergrator is a connection between clients and suppliers which permits different programme formats ( usually XML or JSON) to be compatible with each other. De esta manera, los datos de disponibilidad y reservas se reciben directamente a vuestro servidor, pudiendo entonces “pintarlos” al gusto del cliente en la web. A diferencia del resto de modalidades de afiliados, en las que el “pintado” es realizado directamente desde nuestros servidores.
I want to register, what do I have to do now?
Please complete the form that you can find below
Once we receive your data, you will be registered in our system. You will then receive the passwords to enable you to access your Affiliate panel. Here you will find advertising material such as Banners, search engines, etc. which you may integrate into your website or blog and therefore your clients and / or users will be able to make reservations.
We are confident you wish to achieve client satisfaction with the services you have offered them. Send us your application form to become our collaborator.

Shall we start?

Please send the form with your details and join our affiliate program. It will cost you € 0!